Staring Out of Windows

Written and Edited by Suzan Mecitoglu

As the bus follows the familiar route, I can't help but be captivated by the subtle changes that unfold in the neighborhood outside the window. Each day, as I pass by, I notice the little transformations that, piece by piece, shape the character of this city I call home.

A new splash of color on an old building, a vibrant mural adorning a once-dull wall, or a blossoming garden in place of boring concrete – these small changes breathe life into the streets.

Watching these changes through the bus window fills me with a sense of connection to my surroundings. It reminds me that just as this neighborhood grows and evolves, so do I. With every passing day, I cherish the memories of the past while embracing the promises of the future, knowing that change is inevitable and brings new stories to this ever-changing landscape.

With each passing day, I am remined of the power of creativity and the potential for positive change. The possibilities are endless as we work together to build a dynamic city that honors the past while welcoming the promises of the future.

As architects and city dreamers, we can envision endless opportunities to make a meaningful impact on this evolving city.