Written by Gelare Danaie
Our company's name is Danaie Experience Design (DEXD). Danaie, which means “awareness” in Farsi, is my family name. I used it for the company name because, to me, it means more than just a family name.
So, what does awareness mean for me?
The most important lesson I learned in architecture school was to look at the world from various angles, with different perspectives. The point of view is the key. Architecture is about the ability to create structures and compositions that don’t exist. Architectural education is about trying to make sense of the built environment — elements that compose a system of materials, forms, and spaces, but also the flow of people.
Later on, as I continued my education, I learned a lot about the other materials involved in creating a place — feelings, senses, connections to stories, and emotions. I learned about designing with all senses: light, smell, and texture. I built my practice around experience design because this is what I believe true architecture is all about.
When I write a sketch for my story or design a gate lounge for an airport, I first think about the point of view—who is talking, who I am designing for. What are they feeling? What are they looking at? What is my customer doing at the airport? Why are they traveling? Then, I think of the layers — all the components that create a space: forms, structures, materials, and senses.
Composing a space is similar to composing a story. Storytelling methods are changing so should creating spaces. In an ever-changing world, where understanding of our surroundings is evolving rapidly with new technologies, knowledge, and human experiences, we need to be open to exploring all the ingredients that create space. DEXD’s point of view is that of an explorer — someone aware of the complexities of design, human behavior, and data. Such point of view is essential in creating the type of architecture that works for our complex age.
It goes back to the idea of awareness.
Five years into practice, we have grown the company from a desk in our backyard shed to a mid-sized design firm in Toronto, with a new office established this year in New York and opportunities to work globally. We haven’t “arrived” — there is no arrival. I know we are in the infinite game. What excites me is the process, the journey of creating something new from scratch. Success is in the journey, and the vision is deeper, more complex; we want to create places that nourish humanity, inspire creativity, and connect communities.
Inspired by the Neri Oxman Mission statement, the wheel of awareness, has been modified to include our thinking between the Art, Science, Design and Data and connection with Human Behaviour design.